Winter Bait Finesse Trout Fishing

Winter Bait Finesse Trout Obsession: I Refused To Fail

As winter wraps its chilly fingers around the lakes and streams, it poses a silent challenge that whispers to every trout angler—outmaneuver the elusive trout during their least active season. You find yourself bundled up against the cold, rod in hand, gazing at the glassy surface that seems determined to thwart your finesse bait’s charm….

2024 Best Bait Finesse Combo: Shimano Aldebaran BFS with Kistler Hunt BFS Rod
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Best Bait Finesse Combo: My Top 16 BFS Rod and Reel Combos for 2024

Hey there! My name is Aaron Hunt, and I’m a bait finesse fisherman—some might even call me a BFS addict. My wife often wonders, “Who needs this many fishing rods?” Well, I do! Over the years, I’ve accumulated quite a collection, and today, I want to share the 16 Best Bait Finesse Combos I regularly…

Kistler Hunt BFS Rod bend while Kayak Fishing
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The Pennsylvania Black Bass Slam: Catching 3 Species in One Day

There are 3 species of Pennsylvania Black Bass, and until this week one of them had eluded me. On Tuesday morning I went out into the hot, humid morning to film some footage for a new kayak motor. The temps were in the 80’s before 8am and headed into the 90’s. If you’ve known me…

Kistler Hunt BFS Fishing Rods

The Kistler Hunt Series BFS Fishing Rods: Ultimate Bait Finesse Experience

Hey there, fellow anglers! It’s Aaron Hunt here, and today I’m thrilled to share with you a dream come true – the Kistler Hunt Series BFS Fishing Rods. The Hunt name is not a coincidence, as these rods were not only named after me but were also designed by yours truly to be the first…

ICAST 2023 New BFS Reels

New BFS Reels Unveiled at ICAST 2023: My Top Picks!

Hey there, fellow fishing enthusiasts! Today, I’m excited to talk about five incredible new BFS reels that will soon hit the market. As a dedicated bait finesse angler who loves the thrill of fishing finesse-style, I understand how important it is to have access to the latest and greatest gear right here in the United…

New Kistler BFS Rod

Kistler BFS – The NEW Hunt Series: 4 Rods Redefining Bait Finesse Fishing

Hey there, fellow anglers! It’s Aaron Hunt, and today I am thrilled to share with you an exciting journey that has brought my passion for fishing and design together. As an avid fisherman and a dreamer, I’ve always yearned for the perfect fishing gear that could elevate my fishing experience to new heights. Well, I…